Painting Inspection

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Painting Inspection

A coating inspector checks industrial equipment to ensure protective coatings were correctly applied and minimize corrosion risk. Manufacturing plants, roadway projects such as bridges, General Fabrication & Production Industries, Nuclear Power Plants, Offshore & Marine and other major industries that utilize paint need coating inspectors for quality assurance.

BCI engineering inspection covers all requirements for painting inspection & testing and demonstrates paint inspection services company role and responsibility in painting inspection projects. Our procedure shows all inspection and testing requirement that must be taken in account for construction of oil, gas and any other industrial plants.

It covers both industrial equipment in shop fabrication factories as well as piping, storage tanks, pipelines and steel structure facilities in construction field.

Our teams have experience in various fields and applications of painting systems making them able to design, select and apply the suitable painting system required and ensure its effectiveness and reliability complying with related international codes, standards and client specifications. We provide the following painting inspection services:

  • Following up painting activities including (Sand sweeping, sand blasting, applying painting systems and painting repairs.) for both piping systems and static equipment.
  • Applying applicable testing and inspection methods complying with international codes, standards and client specification including (WFT, DFT, Pull off testing, holiday testing, replica roughness testing, temperature and humidity gauging…etc.).
  • Applying wrapping Systems and their required testing.
  • Applying thermal insulation systems for piping systems and static equipment.
  • Painting system design and material selection.
  • Paints, painting consumables and painting equipment supplying.
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